It is Written for My Travels It is Written for My Comfort It is Written... for My Healing It is Written for My Children Take the Limit Off Your Requests! |
Prev | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | Next The following questions were received from members and guests at RLCC and responded to by Pastor Sarah Utterbach the morning she announced to the congregation that Pastor Clinton H. Utterbach was asleep in Christ.
QUESTION: Did the Holy Spirit give you any guidance afterwards or did you ask the Lord about maybe raising him from the dead? SWU: No. To raise Clinton from the dead, only for him to continue in disobedience, would have brought condemnation on him because of the choices he was making regarding his healing and one aspect of his calling. Pastor Clinton now has the victory. He had 73 wonderful years here in the earth, and I wasn’t the least bit interested in raising him from the dead unless God had given me the assurance that Clinton’s body would be made right and that he wasn’t going to have to go to a rehab. Clinton is not disciplined enough to put himself through the kind of grueling workouts required in rehabilitation and he would have only found himself in trouble spiritually. Now he’s not in trouble. He got the victory. He’s just not here with us. And I’m telling you, he’s not unhappy or dissatisfied where he is. We are going to miss him, but he is fine.
QUESTION: The pastor from Africa that was brought back from the dead came back completely healed. God makes us perfectly whole when we are restored to Him. SWU: But do you know God could do that without me asking Him? That’s why anything the Lord wanted me to ask, I would ask. Anything that the Lord wanted me to do, I would have done. That’s why I’ve been spending so much time alone with the Lord so that I can hear clearly His voice and not all the voices around me. Because if I listen to everybody whose praying about this, that, or the other, it becomes a clamor around me. Pastor Clinton was the one who said he saw himself walking down those aisles in a white suit. That was not my vision. I didn’t have one. But as I’ve gone through these last few months, what I wanted was God’s will to be done because the Lord was teaching me to be dependent upon Him, not on being married to anybody. And by the way, I don’t want anyone to even think about believing God for me because I’m not available. I’m married to Jesus.
QUESTION: Kenneth Copeland gave you a very specific prophecy about the future. Would you elaborate on that in this light of what has happened? SWU: I did ask the Lord about that and I thought it was very interesting that the night before when we were both present, he didn’t give the prophecy. Friday morning, when I was there without Pastor Clinton, is when Brother Copeland spoke those things over my life. Although he included Pastor Clinton, which is the correct thing to do, I know now that it was a prophecy to me. Otherwise God would have let him give it the night before when both of us were present instead of when I was the only one present.
QUESTION: Pastor Sarah, after one of your visits to Pastor Clinton while he was in intensive care, you told the congregation that Pastor Clinton asked you, "Am I dead or alive?" SWU: He said, "Did I die? I thought I was dead." And I said, "Honey, you didn’t die. You’ve been here all the time with us. You haven’t left us yet. All this stuff is going on and there are many things you are hooked up to, and it looks like you ought to be dead, but you aren’t."
QUESTION: Do you think that he had a glimpse of heaven and it just took a little bit of time for him to get there? SWU: That would be what I would want to think but because I haven’t heard from the Lord about it, I don’t want to speculate about it. But I do believe that when you get a glimpse of glory, nothing is attractive to you in the earth anymore.
QUESTION: Jesus wept when Lazarus died. Since we’re in Jesus, can we weep when we want to weep? SWU: Go right ahead and weep, as long as I don’t have to join you. Go cry as much as you feel like you want to because my grief is not going to be as those who have no hope. If you feel the need to cry and that’s your release, then be relieved. Has anybody heard me say that you can’t cry? I just don’t have time to join you in that kind of emotion. My grieving is on the inside because I didn’t know what else I could have said to him to get him to apply what I knew that he knew was the right thing to do. I was not going to be a nag. The Scripture talks about nagging wives. And since he was God’s son, the Holy Ghost would either work it out with him or he’d fall asleep in Christ. Those are the only choices that any of us have as believers. Get right or go to sleep. And some of you today have that same choice. You’re either going to get it together or go to sleep. So, check out your life before you check out of this life.
QUESTION: Your strength has strengthened me. I just give God thanks for you this morning. SWU: Well, thank you, but please do not exalt me to make me more than I am. I am a female. I am a wife who hurts on the inside just like you do. But I have a responsibility to God and to you. The Lord told me that Pastor Clinton was my assignment and now that assignment is completed but my assignment here is not. When I stepped into that powerful force field of the anointing recently, I was reaching out for all of God that I could contain. I want you to do the same thing. Reach out for more of God. Don’t try to cling to me. I don’t have your strength; God is your strength. I don’t want a congregation of babies who grow older but do not mature. You aren’t that way and I’m not going to let you be that way. Please understand that the strength you’re seeing in me is supernatural. It is not Pastor Sarah being strong because the first time you start perceiving and esteeming me as being so strong, the Lord will let you see my feet of clay. So if you want me to continue to teach, preach, and live this thing in front of you, then I want you to be certain to give God all the glory for the grace that He’s giving me during this time. My flesh feels everything that you would feel in this circumstance. I just cannot afford to give in to it. I have purposed to draw near to God so that He and all He is will draw near to me.
QUESTION: Recently, one of my relatives went home to be with the Lord after having been in a coma. I’d been praying and believing for her healing. I spoke the Scriptures I believe that God had wanted me to speak over her, but the next thing I knew she was gone. Then last week, as I was speaking the Scriptures compiled in It Is Written for My Healing, I believe the Holy Spirit told me, "Wherever you see ‘I,’ ‘my,’ or ‘me,’ read Pastor Clinton." Last night when I got home, I believe I heard it again and I did it. Now this morning you are saying he’s gone. SWU: Actually, he passed the night before that at two a.m. He’s been gone since two o’clock Saturday, not two o’clock this morning which is Sunday. That’s why when I listen to all the exhortations concerning his future, I realize that people are still growing and learning how to hear. I never prayed once over my husband. I went and did just what the Lord instructed me to do. I counted it all joy that the fires of adversity were burning off the alloy of my fleshly nature. That’s what happened. That’s what God was working in me all this time. Everything that the Lord directed me to do, I did. I didn’t go to the hospital praying over him every day. I went to the hospital because he’s my assignment. I wanted to make sure that what the doctors were doing concerning my assignment was right. When the doctors called Thursday wanting to do yet another risky test on his esophagus that could puncture it, I said to them, "No new medicines." The medicines he was given restricted his blood vessels so much that his fingers were starting to turn purple -- not blue, purple! I said, "You’ve done everything that you know to do. God is taking over from here. My husband and God have been in conversation, and evidently they’re in agreement about whatever it is because I haven’t received any further information or instruction from the Lord. So just leave him alone and let Jesus either deliver him or heal him. Those are the options right now. He’s going to walk in manifested victory as being delivered or healed. Either way, he wins." They actually agreed with me that they had nothing else to try. I said, "Now I know why you’re called practitioners because you all keep practicing. But you can’t practice on my husband anymore."
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