It is Written for My Travels It is Written for My Comfort It is Written... for My Healing It is Written for My Children Take the Limit Off Your Requests! |
Prev | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | Next The following questions were received from members and guests at RLCC and responded to by Pastor Sarah Utterbach the morning she announced to the congregation that Pastor Clinton H. Utterbach was asleep in Christ.
QUESTION: Thank you. I needed that. My question is this: I believe that I was led to pray and say certain Scriptures over a relative for her healing and yet she died. I believed I was led to put Pastor Clinton’s name in my praying of the Scriptures for healing but now he’s gone. Did I miss it? SWU: No, because you don’t know what you were praying about regarding his situation. You think you were praying about him being healed and coming back down these aisles in a white suit. You don’t know what the Lord had you praying about, because we’re limited in our understanding. At times we think our prayers are about one thing, yet the Holy Spirit is directing us to say His Word over a situation for an entirely different purpose. You may have been praying for the perfect will of God to be done in his life. Well, sleeping in Christ is the perfect will of God. You can’t get any more perfect than being able to stand one day in the presence of Jesus.
QUESTION: Is it safe to say that God knew that Pastor Clinton was not going to take the Spanish lessons, even if He had healed him and that’s why he’s not here with us now? SWU: Yes, I think it’s very safe to say that. I’m convinced of it. The reason that I say that is because He had given him three or four different opportunities to take the Spanish lessons after being healed before and he did not do it. Also, when the attacks would come on his body, he did not take a firm stand and say, "God, in You I put my trust. I’m going to stand on Your Word." He would go and get the doctor’s medicine. He would go for the operation. He’d do these things. Well, the more you ignore God in your midst, the more callous you become. Please understand me: In my opinion, Clinton fell asleep in Christ before he needed to. Unless you’re willing to do things God’s way here in the earth, you lose your effectiveness. And those of you listening to me today, I’m telling you, if you don’t get busy doing what God has told you to do -- instead of praying about what you already know is the will of God for you to do -- and just get on with doing it, your presence will not necessarily be here with us either if you don’t obey the Lord.
QUESTION: Thank you for being so transparent. It has certainly helped me. I once heard a woman who was a widow say, "Jesus is my husband." That has been running through my mind since you had declared for years that you would never be a widow. You aren’t one now. Jesus is your husband. SWU: You got it, honey. I am married to the Lord Jesus Christ Himself. Do you know what the Scripture says in 1 Corinthians 7? It talks about those who are married having to divide their time between the Lord and their companion. But those who remain single are able to devote their time to the Lord because they don’t have any of the natural distraction or normal demands on their time that go along with being married. I have more time with the Lord than I have ever had before. You haven’t seen anything yet as far as I’m concerned. I’m not talking about any special anointing. I don’t know what God’s going to do. All I know is that I’m going to have the time to find out from God what I need to do. It was not His best for me to go to the hospital twice a day to see His son. That was my assignment but my assignment is now complete. I’m telling you, Jesus would have to show me the nail prints in His hands, let me put my fist in His side, and then command me to marry somebody. That’s not because I had a bad marriage. It’s because I love the Lord more than I love anything and anybody in this world.
QUESTION: This morning while I was praying, as I’ve been doing every morning, I just said, "Father, I thank You for Pastor Clinton’s manifested victory and that he’s coming out in glory." And this morning there was a check in my spirit that said, "His coming out in glory could mean coming home to heaven." SWU: He was already asleep in Christ. But you didn’t know that. Clinton now has his manifested victory. His manifested victory was Jesus as the deliverer and not the healer. We want him healed; God wants to be glorified. Pastor Clinton has stepped over into the glory of God in this whole situation. When I say that I don’t have any regret, my only regret is that he left here sooner than he needed to. I spent most of the years of my marriage believing that I was going to depart this life first. That’s why I wasn’t prepared with a mortician. I believed that I was going to go first because I would never sit as a widow and neither would I know the loss of children. That was my belief and my confession. So any regret I have this morning is because he departed before I did. Yes, of course I’m going to miss him. We had a wonderful relationship, a lot of fun. The latter years got better than the former ones. But, he’s gone now and I’m going on with Jesus.
QUESTION: Pastor Clinton was working on a book on end-time prophecy. Did he ever finish it? SWU: He finished it. It will be published only if the Lord tells me to publish it because it wasn’t my book. It’s Pastor Clinton’s book. Whether or not God wants it published is entirely up to God. The manuscript is ready to go to press. But I’m not going to do one thing to make it happen because it’s not my book. It’s entirely up to the Lord.
QUESTION: Can you tell me, Pastor Sarah, why the Lord kept this from you? SWU: He didn’t keep Pastor Clinton’s death from me. I knew since he was born he was going to die. Folks, you have to understand, I didn’t have a need to know that he was going to leave this life when he did. I had a need to know how to stay strong once he was gone. Do you understand the difference?
I pray every morning for the wisdom of God, for the grace of God, for His understanding, for my bread, for the fruit of the Spirit in an unlimited way, and the gifts only as needed. I only needed the gift of the word of knowledge if I wasn’t going to be strong enough to handle the whole thing. But God has been making me stronger for these past two months. He was preparing me for whatever. Who are you going to serve? Is it Clinton? Are you a Christian because of your relationship with Clinton, or are you a Christian because of Jesus Christ? I had to keep my husband in his proper place in my life just as you must. Our lives are to be built upon Jesus Christ, not upon Clinton Utterbach or any other human. I received my husband as an assignment from the Lord and I did everything God told me to do. I was at the hospital often twice a day. And, when he was home, I waited on him hand and foot. But evidently there is another dimension that God wants me to function in now and I’m trying my best to draw nearer to Him. I wasn’t trying to get closer to my husband. I couldn’t get any closer to him. He couldn’t love me any more. If what he was doing or not doing was going to hinder what God wants to do with me next, wouldn’t it be better to let him come home? You know, God hasn’t kept some deep dark secret from me. God’s perfect will was done in the situation in light of the choices Clinton had made.
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