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Our family, Sounds of Levi COGIC, want you to know that God loves you. And because of that, you are loved with a love that surpasses all your understanding. You can make it; hold on, God will show you how to overcome. Come visit us, worship with us, love God with us, as He loves on us.

You know, in 2 Corinthians the 10th chapter, it talks about how to use our weapons given to us by God. It also tells us how powerful they really are. One thing that really gets to me is that, through these God given weapons, we can be obedient. Now, while we're being obedient, sometimes we get hurt by others. Either intentionally or not, it still hurts and we lash out from that place of pain feeling justified to do what ever we want. Well, in 2nd Corinthians, Chapter 10, the Bible tells us the God given weapons of our warfare will allow us to get revenge and laugh in the face of disobedience. Through and by Jesus Christ, we learn how to be obedient to God, and thereby all the times we were or COULD HAVE BEEN disobedient gets put to shame.

While you give God what you have to offer to Him, He gives you the ability to be victorious over disobedience. Each time you fail at something you want to complete, you get stronger if you keep trying. Eventually you will win over it. Smash it, Conquer it, Overthrow it, in your mind first then in your body. Then you will be able to laugh and stand in front of God and all mankind saying that you beat it with Jesus' love and wisdom & power.

So come worship with us, sing and dance, cry and laugh, raise your hands, clap, and stomp your feet. However you worship, quietly or boisterously, it's all good because it's all about God. Let God turn your whoas into wows. Take communion with us. If you've never been baptized, then get baptized with us and let God show us all how to be citizens of Heaven, His Kingdom, and the world He created for us to have dominion over.

I will be so excited to see your face walking into our doors. 

You will not regret it; remember, we're not perfect, but ever learning through Jesus' perfect love. A lot can happen in three days.

Pastor Tommy

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