Once again, I had to deliver a 2011 BMW M3 to Oxnard and was so humbled by the ocean and mountains, the clean air and blue sky sprinkled with clouds as the fishing boats peppered the coast. I thought to myself, what a wonderful world our God has created. It must have been this way in Jesus' day. People enjoying the day, the water, the view, just as I was. W.O.W. (Wondrous Omnipotent Works) of Jesus to create all of this. I'm humbled that man could create such a machine as a BMW, Mercedes, Bentley, or any other high end or mid end or even low end car, plane, train, space ships, etc. OUR creative mind to see and build and reach out into the far reaches of sea and space; W.O.W. look what God, Creator, Jesus, has done.
I'm humbled at the miracle of salvation and how Christ's pure red blood washed away my death stained soul to be made white in His holiness and righteousness as I stand before God and man as a windowed mirror, telling the world repent....repent for the kingdom of God is at hand. He has made all things new for us to live abundantly in His favor.
Yes, ....once again, I'm humbled and brought to low estate for in my weakness I find my strength in Him to do His will at His good pleasure. I'm imperfect striving to learn how to live in His perfect love with His guiding hand, and loving heart. His upholding, chastening hand comforts me and inspires me to preach and sing His gospel with utmost diligence and excellence. I proclaim I LOVE YOU LORD with every note of sax, piano, organ, or just spewing love notes from my mouth.
He loves you, He died to show His love, He became the one and only perfect sacrifice so you'll never have to bring another sacrifice to wash your sins away; just an offering of sacrificed praise from the lips of your heart and a lived life of worship to Him.
Is there any other way to live? Whether very rich, rich, middle rich, less rich or not rich at all, without Him it's all vanity and worthless.
Share Him from your heart to another, humbly and decisive, intentionally directed, pour it out of you into another. Until people say, ask, cry aloud, WHAT MUST I DO TO BE SAVED!? The you in all your imperfections, show them the perfect love of Jesus Christ, our Messiah.
Once again, I'm humbled by it all. W.O.W.
Pastor Tommy