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Council of Bishops
Current Episcopal Leadership

   Archbishop John L. Simons, OSA, OSB, OSG -  Moderator of the Communion of Anglican Churches (CAC), Interim Bishop of the Diocese of the Southwest.

BISHOP ZULINKE Bishop Michael Zulinke, OSA, OSB - 
Bishop of the Diocese of the the Southeast and Bishop in charge of Church Planting and parish development (Network Website www.cacny.webs.com).

Bishop Emeritus Peter Riola, OSA
Retired Bishop of the Province of St. Peter, Diocese of the Midwest. Founder of the Order of St. Alcuin – Benedictine. Founder of the St. Alcuin House Seminary and retired Bishop of the Anglican Church of Nigeria in North America.

BISHOP JOHN KELIHER  Bishop Emeritus John Keller, OSA - Retired Bishop of the Diocese of the Northwest.

BISHOP JAY BUNTING  Bishop Jay Bunting, OSABishop of the Diocese the Northeast.

  Bishop Bob Corrao, OSABishop of the Diocese of the Midwest.