Wed Apr 24, 2024

Sample ImageThe women who make up our membership come from diverse backgrounds, both personal and spiritual.  While many of our members have never been pregnant, some have faced one or more miscarriages, ectopic pregnancies, or even stillbirths and infant deaths.  Some have one or more biological children and are dealing with secondary infertility.  There are many adoptive moms in our group, including survivors of adoption losses.  A few are pioneers in the brave new world of embryo adoption.  Some of our members are just beginning to ask if there is something medically wrong while others have already exhausted all medical options.  The Lord has led some members to not seek any kind of medical aid while others have prayerfully delved into assisted reproduction methods.

Our ages range from late teens to early 50s.  Our marriages (and time dealing with fertility challenges) may be newlywed or spanning more than 20 years of experience.  While most of our members live in the United States of America, we span multiple countries and cultures.  We are interdenominational, meaning that our members come from many church backgrounds, but all agree to abide by our central Statement of Faith as we share common views about Faith and Fertility.  Some members have spent their lives attending church, some are new to a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, and some have faith but feel very far from God right now.  With all of our differences, we have at least these four things in common: we are married, we are Christians, we are women, and we are seeking God to aid us in surviving our fertility challenges.


Because infertility has a lifelong effect on us, and because we are not all at the same stage, our Community Forums provide over 70 specific regional and topical support groups.  Click here to find out how to join the community today!

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