What is a missional christian?
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Missional Christianity is consumed with following Jesus and aligning with His missionary purpose in this world. It's a return to the roots of the Christian faith with total submission to Jesus and partnership in His mission - equipping and empowering every believer as a missionary in their cultural context.
Missional Christianity is characterized by:
·         Spiritual Empowerment
·         Extraordinary Prayer
·         Biblical Authority
·         Incarnational Practices - "Being Jesus"
·         Personal Disciplemaking
·         Intentional Accountability
·         Multiplying Churches
Missional Christians recognize that they have been sent as Christian missionaries by Jesus with the Good News of Salvation together in community with all believers to their specific geographic and cultural context. They align themselves with Jesus' missionary purposes (the Great Commission) and engage in activities and practices which will serve those around them by visibly displaying the love of Jesus. They intentionally develop habits which engage people in their neighborhoods and workplaces and they use their homes as a place to invite others into their lives. As local missionaries, they seek to communicate the truth of Jesus in the language of the culture. They are God's missionary people.
Missional Christianity is absent in most of North America. Why is this?
·         Many believers rely on other Christians to fulfill the Great Commission. Consumer Christians are sucking the life out of churches.
·         Many pastors don't engage in missional activities themselves because they are so busy serving their churches. Pastors are not equipping believers as missionaries to their neighborhoods and workplaces.
·         Many churches have embraced a "come and see" (attractional) approach to evangelism that is designed to get people to come to church. The focus of many churches is on buildings and what happens in the "church" on Sundays.
·         Many denominations measure success by the size of a church's budget and buildings, and by how many seats are full. They continue to focus on starting more of the same kinds of churches.