Christ's Model – The Ancient Church

House Church – The Numerous Advantages
There are many good reasons to consider starting a house church:

  • It is a biblical model.
  • It is family oriented; parents and children participate together as appropriate.
  • People more easily get to know one another in a small group.
  • Smaller groups can lead to increased accountability to each other.
  • Everyone participates and ministers so people grow in using their spiritual gifts.
  • Highly trained pastors are not required in order to lead large numbers of people.
  • There is no need for expensive, time-consuming programs.
  • House churches direct their finances toward evangelism, community service, or caring for one member’s needs instead of purchasing expensive buildings.
  • They are low profile and thus, better able to withstand persecution and oppression.
What do people do in house churches? Acts 2:42-47 gives us an outline of what should happen in house church. Believers devote themselves to...
  • The Apostle’s teaching – reading, studying, and discussing God’s Word.
  • Fellowship – being with each other, enjoying one another, and encouraging one another.
  • Breaking of bread - sharing meals together and participating in the Lord’s Supper.
  • Prayer – praying for one another’s needs and for advancing God’s kingdom.
  • Being together – hanging out and living in harmony with one another.
  • Giving – providing for one another’s needs and for outreach.
  • Worship – praising and glorifying God through word and music.