Our Facebook Posts
This page contains some of our most notable Facebook posts! We hope you enjoy!


Blood SacrificeThe import of the words in the slide can be so harsh - I hesitated to publish them for some time! In the interest of truth, however, I believe that they should see the light of day!

We all know that much of what the Torah contains was given by the Almighty to His People as antidote to Canaanite idolatry and dissipation!? Thus, for instance, God’s people were not supposed to disfigure or tattoo their bodies for the dead as did their heathen neighbors. Homosexuality, bestiality, pederasty, temple prostitution, etc, - were all banned by God in the midst of His People.

Most importantly, human sacrifice, both adult and child forms of it, was prohibited in Israel, although it was widely practiced by their bloodthirsty neighbors! That’s why many scholars, especially Jewish ones, view Christianity as a throwback to the dark ages of human sacrifice and cannibalism!

Did you know, for example, that many ancients not only brought human sacrifices to appease their “gods,” but that they also drank the blood of those sacrifices and ate the slaughtered bodies in the act of ritual cannibalism?

The fact that Christianity emerged as the ruling religion of the vast heathen Empire of Rome serves as one potential clue as to its very “unjewish” teachings about “drinking the blood of the son of man and eating his body.” Nothing could be more repugnant to the Jewish monotheists and contrary to the import of the Word of God, Hebrew Scriptures!

So, the question is: “When was the last time you partook of the “holy” Communion?” Did you realize then that, however symbolically, you drank the blood of a human sacrifice? Please, peruse the slide and think deeply on the meaning of what it has to say!

Have a blessed day!

Worshiping a Jew

Israel's Neighbors


Matthew 2:15
The "father" of Protestant Reformation was one of the most vicious antisemites (may his name and memory rot in oblivion!)

Many of his sentiments concerning the Chosen People were taken to heart by Adolph Hitler in the 20th century CE!

Martin Luther


John 7:38


 Ester or Ashtoreth

God or lamb


From Fellowship

REjection of Israel

Passover Lamb


Suffering Servant