Celebrate Recovery small groups
February 09, 2014

THe ladies group is being led by Michelle Flowers Mulder, at her house on Thursday nights, you can get ahold of her at for more info.269-689-8248. 

As for the men, if your interested in starting a small group of fellowship,or accountability, or a deeper bible study, let me know, theres a leader in all of us, sometimes we just have to be allowed to lead in who Christ intended us to be,not who we have beeen told we are by the worlds standard,"in Christ all things are posssible..."

brrrrrrrrrr...winter in Michigan
February 04, 2014

Wow, what a year it has been, and its only february !I'm so excited to see once again the changes and challenges that God lays before us, lets take time to remember those we've loved, lost and just met. I believe God doesn't waste a" hurt", that they are meant for us to grow and learn from, so be patient with people this year and love 'em like Jesus does. Besides, YOU just may be entertaining angels all along and not even realize it....just saying.

Security Teams for Men
February 04, 2014

Hey guys, if your interested about being on our concert security team give me a call or text or just catch up with me at the weekly meeting....

text me or email me to let me know your availability...
CARPE DIAM,  John Winfrey