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A Biblical View of The Steps from Alcoholics Anonymous.


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Step Two
September 6, 2022

Step Two




Came to believe that a power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity.

“For it is God who works in you to will and to act according to His good purpose.”  Philippians 2:13 –NIV

Coming to believe in a power greater than ourselves requires Faith.  Faith isn’t intellectualized, it just is.  Faith is not manufactured it is from God.  Faith is not earned it is a gift.  Faith is not optional it is a must.  In the past, we have placed our faith in our own abilities to run our lives, and that faith has proven worthless.  It was misplaced and never did for us what we thought it would.  Now we need to actively place our Faith in God.   One of the great paradoxes of Christianity is that we are never completely free until we totally yield to God. 


John 8:32

“And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” –KJV       

Many turbulent and troubled waters await us in our recovery journey.  God knows that, and He prepares us by placing a seed of Faith in our hearts. That seed is simply a growing confidence that God will take charge.  When we finally look to God, we will have the Faith to believe He is there.  Fantastic Adventures In Trusting Him!  This Step helps us acknowledge the seed of Faith that God has freely given to us. 


Many of us have a distorted view of God.  We cringe at the name of Jesus.  Our distorted view is possibly from our parents.  We grew up feeling that God sees us as our parents did and may still do.  So, we grew up seeing ourselves, and our God through distorted eyes.  This Step requires that we set aside our old images and mistaken beliefs about God.  We have an opportunity to experience God in a different light.  This new connection with God will grow and become a vital part of our daily lives.


***Read each Bible verse, then ponder it and answer the questions! 


*Matthew 14:22-34

Relying on a power greater than ourselves will give us confidence and hope.

**Why is it important to Rely on God?


*Mark 9:23-24

Regardless of our past struggles, we must realize that God’s power, not our own, ensures our success.

**What is belief?


Psalm 34:18-22

*Even though we have rejected Him in the past, God will always be close to us and mend our broken spirit.

**What is insanity?


*II Corinthians 3:5

If we trust Him, our Lord will lead us out of the despair we feel when we recognize the dysfunction in our lives.

**How can we recognize dysfunction?


*Isaiah 40:28-31

We must work to set aside our impatience and frustration, believing that God will give us sufficient strength to meet our needs.

**What is selfishness?


*Isaiah 41:10

Our deepening spiritual strength reminds us of God’s constant presence in our lives.

**Is this a promise of God?

*John 3:16-17

Seen in the light of God’s love, the Twelve Steps are a pathway to our wholeness and salvation.

**What did God do to insure our wholeness with Him?


Meditation for Step Two:

Hope in Faith

Hebrews 11:1-10

Step Two is often referred to as “The Hope Step.”  In coming to believe that a Power greater than ourselves can restore us to sanity, we will remember what it was like to live sanely and have the Faith to Hope that sanity can return.

“What is Faith?” the Bible asks.  It is the “…substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”   How can we be confident that something we want is going to happen, especially if all our hopes have been dashed?  How can we risk believing that the life we hope for is waiting for us around the corner?

The Bible tells us that the key is in the nature of the Higher Power we look to.  We are told, “anyone who wants to come to Him must believe that there is a God and that He rewards those who sincerely seek Him.”  If we see God as one who is reaching out to help us, we will be more eager to look for Him.  If our faith has not matured to that point yet, we can ask for help.  We can ask God to help us have more faith without doubt and more courage to hope for a better future.  Anything is possible if a person believes. 


Step Two Prayer:

Father, I pray for an open mind so I may come to believe in You.  I pray for humility and the continued opportunity to increase my Faith.  I don’t want to be crazy any more.  Lord, I believe in You and please help me when I am in unbelief. Come unto me, God, I want you there.  Lighten my heart, carry my burdens, and strengthen my soul.  I Praise You Lord!  In the Darling Son’s Name, Jesus, A-men.  


Step One
August 8, 2014
Step One is an opportunity to face reality and admit that our life isn’t working with us in control.  We embrace our powerlessness and we stop pretending.  The way we manage our own lives brings us to the end of our rope.  We hit bottom.  Our ways and our efforts fail us.  At this point, this step provides needed direction for our unmanageability.  We prepare ourselves by realizing that this is the first step in a spiritual journey toward wholeness.   This step puts a halt to our own efforts and gives us permission to quit.  When we work Step One, we see that our heart is giving an honest cry of pain and a genuine call for help.  God hears! [READ MORE]