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Transformed Women According To the Purpose of God
August 8, 2014

by Prophetess Deborah D Allen-Williams

March 21st is the official first day of Spring.  Interestingly enough, this is the day that signifies a transformation in life.  In nature, we can see that a caterpillar which has been in a cocoon for the Winter transform within that cocoon.   As Spring approaches, it then with all its effort struggles to remove itself from the cocoon.  We see a beautiful butterfly emerge.  This is what Titus 2 Women of Carter Metropolitan CME Church in Fort Worth, Texas are beginning to accomplish.  Transformation into the Women that God has ordained us to be.  We are like rubber bands that are being stretched. We will grow through the struggles of everyday life as we are transformed by the Word of God. We are going from Good to Great. 

March 21st was the day we had a workshop on being a Titus 2 Woman.  Our presenters were Sister Pamela R. Price, the wife of our gracious pastor, Reverend Jerome B. Price, and Reverend Johnie K. Dollarhide, BA, MS, ABD-Phd.  Our wonderful Coordinator, Cynthia Lee, and our Director, Reverend Elsie Manning provided the opportunity for the women of Carter Metropolitan CME Church for Transformation.  Both transformed women gave powerful talks with examples and challenges.  This ministry will be meeting every 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month to plan, discuss, and implement the Titus 2 teachings from our Word of God.

Women can do most anything.  God never hesitated to mention women in the Bible and He never chose NOT to use them for His glory.  Women are VIPs in God’s eyes. After all He created us in His image, and He created us for a purpose...many...and one of those purposes is for ‘ministry’ work. 

God has called women to ministry.  He calls us to construct marriages, build new churches, give character to children, and teach younger women how to become better homemakers and godly wives.  This is so very important in ministry so exclusive and specific that God calls women to serve.  God calls women to ministry work of building and rebuilding individual women which frames families and which strengthens churches.  God calls women to the ministry work of Titus 2:3-5:

"The aged women likewise, that they be in behavior as becometh holiness, not false accusers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things; That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children, To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed.”

As Sister Price spoke about the Proverbs 31 Woman, we are to have a Meek and Quiet spirit.  We must believe God loves us.  A transformed woman knows how to amplify the Spirit.  In Gods eyes, our position is less important than our spiritual character.  She lets the Holy Spirit control her life.  She lets the Holy Spirit guide her, master her mind, and allows the Holy Spirit to bring the fruit into maturity.  She builds her character, bringing the inner beauty out to shine.  This beauty of a woman is the secret gentleness of her heart.  She lives in the order to the purpose of God.  This Virtuous Woman emulates faith, walks by the Spirit, and draws closer to Jesus.  She is looking out for the needs of the family and also the poor.  She bridals her tongue, is kind, has great influence on others, and is a doer of the Word.  Of course, we are all not perfect, yet practice of all of these things makes us better.

Next we had a beautiful presentation on Praise Dancing by Madeline Henderson.  She told us that Praise Dance is not what people would think that it is.  It is not about shaking our booties, getting jiggy with it, or even dirty dancing.  It is about a reverence, respect, and aweness toward God.  It is a state of mind, being, and spiritual awareness.  We give our dance to God.  When we give God ALL the Glory, God is pleased with us.  Sometimes we can not say what we need to say, yet, we can demonstrate through dance what we want to convey to God.  Then she showed us how to praise dance.  It was amazing!

As Reverend Dollarhide spoke to us, she gave us Steps for Developing Our Life’s Spiritual Blueprint for transformation and fulfilling our destiny.  She asked us questions about who we are, what we were doing and where we were going.  We interacted with naming our vision, making goals, what skills we have, and what skills we would need in order to attain our goals.  She pointed out what possibilities of our passions were and how we see ourselves right now.  She told us that when the Holy Spirit comes upon us, the heart will have to change.  When we change, we want others to change with us.

Reverend Dollarhide also spoke of four types of people.  These first three actually start the transformation and do not complete it, as the forth type actually does.  They are Visionaries, who write the plan down on paper, the Followers who don’t ever lead, the Dreamer, which the dream never gets up off the ground, and the Missionary, those that change the world.  She asked, “Which one are you?”  How powerful!

We would like to invite every woman who would like to join us come and fellowship with us and learn how to be a transformed woman!  Instead of living a life of "religion", we here at Carter Metropolitan desire to see Christians experiencing the fullness of Jesus Christ, which was made available to them through our Lord's death on the cross and resurrection on the third day. We encourage Christians to lay down "religion" in exchange for a fulfilling, personal relationship with the lover of our souls--Jesus Christ.  God Bless You All!