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Poems from the Heart


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A Gift Of Love
March 30, 2011

Deep within the crevasses of my soul
Lies the tender copiousness of true love

The heart is where all things are actually felt
That of Joy, Pain, Love, Hate, Happiness, and Misery

We all feel, cry, laugh, smile, and share
Truth of all matters begin in the thoughts

The journey from the head
To the heart takes courage

Listening profoundly to others
Making your own decisions

The influence of those around you
Trusting GOD implicitly empowers love

Walking alone does not work at all
It is an experience that I don’t want to take again

Keeping Faith through all the pain
Gentle Souls coming together under God’s wings

His promises unfolding before our eyes
Careful words of kindness engulf the Spirit

As it Soars timelessly in God’s world
You have touched my heart profusely

An Angel sent from God to show
That life can be good and happy

Yet, Fear keeps us from moving forward
'It is what it is' regardless

In God’s world, nothing is a mistake
Everything happens for a specific purpose

I love you more today than yesterday,
But not as much as tomorrow

More than you will ever comprehend
Like God loves

It is more than the roses can grow
More than the eagles can fly

More than the wolves can howl
More than the stars can shine

More than what life could ever bring
God gave you to me to learn from

To have fun with, cry with, laugh with, play with
You are on loan to me

Every aspect of you
God made you exclusively for me

Especially to help me to grow and change
Thank You God for the miracle of My Love

The closeness that we share
Our hearts and souls intertwined

Giving all the Glory
To just for you God

Now that you have gone
'To live in my heart'

I can hear soul whispers of
“I Love You”