Bibles Behind The Walls


Bibles Behind The Walls Prison Ministries is a ministry of the Carter Metropolitan CME Church ... a ministry of the apostles whom Jesus Christ has called into community and sent forth into the environment of the correctional institution.  We go to minister to this group that society often scorns and neglects.  We seek to transform lives and minds through Jesus Christ.  We address the spiritual needs of incarcerated men and to those who work in the prison environment.

We are truly a volunteer-dependent ministry.  God has blessed this ministry with volunteers who have provided Bibles and materials to prisoners for them to learn more about Jesus.

Prayer is the enormous privilege and responsibility of every believer. What an honor to be able to communicate our feelings and desires to the wise, all-powerful, loving Creator of the universe!  Join us in seeking the Lord to demonstrate His protection and power through the work of Bibles Behind The Walls Prison Ministries.




The mission of Bibles Behind the Walls Prison Ministries is to bring Christ's love and forgiveness to all incarcerated individuals and those who work with them, and to assist in the transition of becoming a productive citizen.