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Identificational Repentance
March 17, 2013
The church has only recently awakened to a degree of understanding concerning identificational repentance. We love to quote 2 Chronicles 7:14 "...if my people who are called by my name shall humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will hear from heaven, forgive their sin, and heal their land." Yet we don't often follow its instruction.

Identificational repentance entails "identifying" with the sins committed and in behalf of those affected by the sin, stand in proxy (in behalf of another) and repent for the sins committed. No, we may not have committed the sin in question, but we repent in behalf of those who cannot repent themselves. This is part of what occurred recently at the Town Creek Indian Mound site outside Mount Gilead, North Carolina for the Native Americans. With a small team of intercessors,forgiveness was sought and received on behalf of sins and atrocities committed against the first peoples of this land.

Over the centuries, settlers to the North American continent have blatantly pillaged, raped, murdered, stole, made and broke treaties, defrauded...and the list goes on against the first peoples. On behalf of these sins, repentance was made, forgiveness sought and forgiveness granted -- not only by God -- but by representatives of the first peoples of the land - Pat and Lori Grant - Native Americans of the Coharie and Lakota peoples. Reciprocally, forgiveness was sought from representatives of the settlers for sins committed against the settlers by Native Americans over the centuries.

Following this time of repentance, the team went onto the grounds of the Indian mound and proclaimed the divorce decree from Baal, Leviathan, Queen of Heaven, Mammon and the Herodian political spirit as well as propheticlly proclaiming the life decrees and writ of assistance and a formal closing of the gates of hell that have been part of the history of that particular locale. (Those not familiar with what I am speaking of concerning the divorce decrees, read some of the other info on the site that gives insight into these prophetic proclamations). Job 22:28 declares - "You shall decree a thing and it shall be established unto you and so shall the light of God's glory shine upon your way." We took communion together and anointed the ground and concluded this very important intercessory mission by the blowing of the shofar.

I wish to thank the team members who (with the exception of Pat & Lori) shall remain unidentified as it is not about us-- but about the Kingdom. These times of repentance and reconciliation are important for the healing of our land. Not only must the church identify with the sins of our ancestors in a manner that brings about repentance, we must utilize all the weaponry available to us as the church of Jesus Christ to bring about full deliverance for the people of our cities, towns, counties, and regions - even our state.

As far as I am aware this was the first such identificational repentance performed in North Carolina in cooperation with Native Americans - certainly it was the first at the Town Creek site and we are grateful to have been able to be apart of this event. Let us, as the church not merely quote 2 Chronicles 7:14...we must live it if we are to see Holy Spirit move upon our land as is sorely needed in this time. Let us do our part and see His glory here!

Filed under: intercession, spiritual warfare, carolina strategic prayer alliance


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