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Refreshing Perspectives
March 20, 2013
Today, March 20th marked the beginning of spring. It was a beautiful warm day--just the kind of day you imagine for the first day of spring. It was refreshing in another way as well. I had the honor of enjoying lunch with a new friend. This gentlemen was introduced to me by the man who later became my pastor and his warmth struck me as an outstanding. We both now attend a monthly pastor's prayer gathering and his perspectives have always been an enjoyment to hear. You see, he is not nearly so concerned with building a denomination's kingdom, or some man's kingdom...rather, his focus is on building Christ's kingdom. He serves the body of Christ in a denomination distinctively different from the "non-denominational" church I am plugged into, but the differences are plusses, not minuses to the relationship. We have a common ground...that of seeing the Kingdom of God extended in this county and in Albemarle, Badin, Norwood, Locust, Richfield, New London, Red Cross, Stanfield, Misenheimer and all the little communities that make up Stanly County. The Christ we both serve is far bigger than our little individual kingdoms and I need his perspective and experience to know better how to function in what God has called me to.

Just as in the pastor's prayer group we both attend - we are blessed to have the perspectives of some very different schools of thought on certain church doctrines and teachings, but those distinctions are not limiters...rather they enhance the whole group of us. The group is comprised of evangelicals, non-charismatics, charismatics, and others who may not fit any of those labels. Each brings something to the table that the others need.

Just like my friend, his heart is for men and women's lives to be changed by the hope and power that is found in knowing Jesus Christ. That is the main thing...it's really the only thing that matters. I can appreciate the freshness of his perspective on things. Relationships should stretch us at times, but when the stretching relaxes, we still come back to a common ground that stablizes all of us.

I appreciate the opportunity to glean from the experiences and knowledge of men like these. As the Bible teaches us, "iron sharpens iron" and we all need sharpening. We need the edges honed so we are better able to glean the harvest that God has for our lives.

Are all of your relationships with those who are just like you? Maybe you need a refreshed perspective from someone who can offer a different viewpoint than that which you hold. Mutual respect can go a long way in building the character of Christ into our lives. May you be blessed to have the refreshing perspective of those whose heart is for God and whose lives are very real.

Filed under: unity, prayer


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