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July 30, 2013
Many Christians don't realize that the spiritual arena operates on legal principles. Our American legal system was founded on Judeo-Christian principles which found their basis in the Bible. The first five books of the Old Testament - The Pentateuch are about history and law.

Satan does what he does because he has legal right to do certain things. Sin abounds because sin was committed that has never been dealt with sufficiently and sin will perpetuate more sin left unchecked. However if we, as believers, will deal with the sin in our own lives and even the sin in our ancestry, we can position ourselves where Satan has "nothing in us" (John 14:30) and therefore no legal foothold in our lives - no legal reason to resist us or interfere with our petitions.

We give Satan far more legal rights to affect us than we are willing to admit. We are prideful, resentful, disobedient, rebellious, and stubborn (among other things). These are footholds the enemy uses to accuse us before the Throne of God. These accusations must be answered.

God gives us the instruction in how to deal with it in 2 Chronicles 7:14 - If MY people who are called by My name will humble themselves (thereby displacing pride), pray (placing our reliance upon God), and seek His face (making prayer and submission to God a lifestyle), and turn from THEIR wicked ways (God needs His People to be the ones repenting for their sins and for the sins of those around them. Jesus identified and took upon himself the sins of others. We should be willing to repent on behalf of others as well.) If we, as His people will repent and ask God's forgiveness, ask Him to apply the cleansing blood of Jesus to our sins and the sins of our forefathers and those around us, then He will have a legal cause to reply. This he promises to do as he continues saying..."Then will I hear from heaven, forgive their sin and heal their land.

Our spiritual battle is not first on the battlefield, it is in the Courtroom of Heaven where we get legal verdicts rendered that give God the opportunity to release His Kingdom will in the earth. This will have us as the church enacting the will of God much more effectively than "binding devils" and wearing ourselves out on a battlefield.

For those who doubt the importance and impact of the Courtroom scenarios, over 3,000 verses in the Bible deal with the aspects of the court, and activities within the court. Prayer is referred to as a petition (a legal term), Jesus is our advocate & mediator (court positions), binding and loosing are legal terms, and the list goes on.

If we will learn to operate in the courts of Heaven effectively we won't have to be doing the battles the way we have been doing them. Many of our battles and "spiritual warfare" has been minimally effective anyway.

If we will remove the sin from our life and our lineage through the blood of Jesus, we will see a far greater effectiveness in reaching the lost of our city and county. We will see a release of the Kingdom of God upon the earth like we have been praying about for many years.

Let US repent and get our history and the history of our county and cities dealt with. Let us repent for covenants and declarations that have been made here that were ungodly. THEN we will see a move of God that is powerful, impacting and has permanent consequences.

1 John 5:14-15 Now this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. (15) And if we know that He hears us, whatever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we have asked of Him.

Be blessed!
Filed under: intercession, spiritual warfare, prayer, government


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