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August 13, 2013
Carolina Watchmen and Other Watchmen From Around the Nation:
It is time to arise, watch, pray and take authority!  The Muslims across the US are pressuring Governor McCrory to veto the Anti-Shariah bill that has just been passed in both houses of the General Assembly, and now being forwarded to his office for his signature.  The Muslims are bombarding his email and office with pleas to veto this bill. 
First of all, pray!  Pray for the spirit of wisdom and understanding; fear of the LORD to rest upon our Governor;  and continue to Divorce Baal, decree the Writ of Assistance, and marry your city, region and our State to the LORD Jesus Christ.  Ask the warrior angelic hosts and the King of Glory to come into our State in power at this hour.  Go to www.hapn.us for the Divorce Baal decree and the other two decrees.  If you are a shofar blower, sound the alarm into the heavenlies at sunrise and sundown! 
Second, we need to send an email and calling blitz!  Email or call the Governor's office, and let him know that you want him to sign this bill into law.  This is imperative so that we close the door to this Baal spirit from coming into our borders.  We absolutely do not want this principality to penetrate our land.
See the information and articles below on how to send emails to the Governor.  Let me know by replying to this email that you will be doing any of the above.  Forward this email to others in your prayer networks.
Apostle Mary Medford
Founder, Coordinator, Carolina Strategic Prayer Alliance
Apostolic State Prayer Coordinator - US RPN, HAPN for NC
KNOW ANYONE IN NC… GET THIS ARTICLE TO THEM!!!  MUST CALL THEIR GOVERNOR AND TELL THEM TO PASS THIS BILL!  He is getting pressure from the MUSLIMS not to sign this…we must put more pressure on him! ****

CALL  Phone: (919) 814-2000****

AND EMAIL THE GOVERNOR!   http://www.governor.state.nc.us/contact/email-pat

http://www.governor.state.nc.us/contact ****


If McCrory signs the bill, North Carolina would become the seventh state to have an anti-Shariah law, according to The State, joining Arizona, Kansas, Louisiana, South Dakota, Oklahoma, and Tennessee. Alabama lawmakers approved a similar constitutional amendment, which will be on the ballot
for voters to consider in 2014.****


*CAIR hits NC governor with email blitz to veto anti-Sharia bill*****

July 28, 2013 by Cheryl Carpenter
Klimek<http://www.bizpacreview.com/author/cherylcarpenterklimek> 2
Comments and 0 Reactions<http://www.bizpacreview.com/2013/07/28/cair-hits-nc-governor-with-email-blitz-to-veto-anti-sharia-bill-80548#disqus_thread>


North Carolina Gov. Pat McCrory****

*North Carolina Gov. Pat McCrory* is facing a tough decision – whether or not to veto a bill that prohibits judges from considering foreign law, including *Islamic Sharia law*.****

While family groups have supported the measure and want it to become law, North Carolina Muslims hope they can persuade the Republican governor to veto the bill, according to The State.com<http://www.thestate.com/2013/07/26/2882789/nc-muslims-hope-gov-pat-mccrory.html#storylink=cpy>

Muslims oppose the bill because they think it is motivated by intolerance and say it could potentially infringe on other religious groups. But bills banning use of “foreign laws” are believed to really be opposing Shariah, or Islamic law.****

“No one has a problem with Muslims or anyone else living peaceably in America,” the Rev. Mark Creech, said in an article published on the Christian Action League<http://christianactionleague.org/news/nc-lawmakers-approve-prohibition-on-foreign-laws-sharia-law-in-closing-days-of-session/#more-7240>website. “But on U.S. soil, we must all embrace the freedoms and responsibilities assigned us via the Constitution, and not demand enforcement of rules and regulations left behind in other cultures.”****

While some argue that the law is not necessary, the Christian Action League explains it here:****

There have been more than 50 cases in 23 states in which judges have applied foreign law, depriving people of their constitutional rights. Often women and children wind up the victims when Sharia law is applied. Under the law based on the Quran and the Sunna, the teachings and writings of Mohammed, there is no age requirement for a girl to marry, and acts of adultery or prostitution can lead to sentences of death. Many Sharia law problems in the United States involve cases of women being beaten by their
Muslim husbands and judges ruling that because the men were not accustomed to U.S. laws against spousal abuse, they cannot be convicted.****

The Council on American-Islamic Relations sent out a national “action alert” urging Muslims to call and email McCrory to ask him to veto the law. Defending Sharia law from being restricted in the United States is one of CAIR’s top agenda items, as noted by its
<http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/cair-releases-community-toolkit-to-challenge-anti-sharia-bills-141075123.html>announcing a “community toolkit to challenge ‘Anti-Sharia’ bills” in March 2012.****

The text of the email message CAIR recommends sending to the governor reads in part:****

This “foreign law” bill is a thinly-veiled attack on the state’s Muslim population, that only serves to marginalize Muslims and to deny them equal rights and equal access to the courts enjoyed by other religious groups.****

“It’s a 50-50 shot,” Corey Saylor, a Washington-based CAIR spokesman, told The State. “I’m hopeful that reason will prevail over bigotry and ignorance.”****

If McCrory signs the bill, North Carolina would become the seventh state to have an anti-Shariah law, according to The State, joining Arizona, Kansas, Louisiana, South Dakota, Oklahoma, and Tennessee. Alabama lawmakers approved a similar constitutional amendment, which will be on the ballot
for voters to consider in 2014.****


Filed under: spiritual warfare, unity, prayer, north carolina, government


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