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CELEBRATING 10 YEARS of JUBILEE album - 10th anniversary
by Belinda Tigell

Over the beginning of November I started sharing some posts and reflections in celebration of the 10th anniversary of my debut album. I had hoped to share more these past two weeks, but alas, my schedule became somewhat high-jacked.

As we come to the close of this month of celebration I thought I’d share a little on what was occurring in the background of the recording and then of the night of the launch concert, that may not be more widely known. 

I pray that what I share here will serve to encourage you to persevere in the plans and projects God has given you when you face setbacks and spiritual opposition.

 Here we go... 

As this project progressively unfolded, the spiritual opposition I experienced increased. This opposition seemed particularly targeted at my physical health. Yes, the further the project progressed and developed, it seemed the worse my health became. 


Many years before I had been diagnosed with a chronic, degenerative illness. This illness has systemic effects, potentially impacting every area of one’s body. As part of that, pain to varying degrees can be an everyday experience. (This is why it could be said that the song Child of Promise is rather autobiographical, even though the words and concepts are taken from the book of Galatians. The promises there are promises I choose to receive.)

These factors (along with others) caused the recording to take far longer than initially anticipated. The time of completion, and thus the abum's release, seemed to grow further and further away. But the Lord had revealed to me and to my prayerful friends that this was indeed a spiritual attack, and that I was to stand firm in Him and to keep going with the project.

I won’t go into all the ins and outs of what occurred, however I do want to share a couple of related stories of situations that led up to the album launch.


Only a couple days after I publicly announced the date of the album launch, I had a significant medical episode. Pain, weakness, nausea, and resulting dehydration. In the dark, early morning hours that day, I was struggling to walk and felt very dizzy. Disoriented whilst returning to bed after making a bathroom trip, I slammed into the corner of a wall, bounced off it with force, landed on the floor and lost consciousness for a moment. 

Eventually, I managed to get up and stagger to bed, now also nursing pain from the impact of the wall and floor.  As I laid in bed in a semi-conscious state, I grew to realise I was having trouble breathing. Then, that I wasn’t able to get up.

Long story short, an ambulance was called and I was taken to hospital where tests showed that on top of everything else, I now had broken a broken rib, and I was very bruised. 
 - Oh dear! This along with all the other health implications that had caused the accident in the first place?! I can't afford to be unwell! 
So there I laid in hospital trying to keep fluids down, knowing that in just a matter of a couple of weeks I had an album to promote and launch. Anyone who’s broken a rib (or even cracked one) will know how painful it can be to breathe and to talk. But here I had pre-launch rehearsals and singing events to be at in those weeks.

God, in His beautiful grace, enabled me to do those events, with the help of amazing friends, family and band mates. But I’m not going to lie: it was painful. And absolutely exhausting! I remember lying down in side rooms prior to going on stage, trying to keep nausea at bay; needing help when the dizziness took over. I’m so grateful for loving supportive people who gave of themselves in many ways to assist me.

The day of the launch was now here. A newly broken rib, plus the other health issues had continued. There seemed no reprieve. 

What most people will not have known is that on the day before the launch, I was back in hospital. I was released on the morning of the event. Weak, nauseous, in pain and not having eaten properly in over 24 hours, friends and family were quite rightly asking: "Are you still going to do this? Is it the launchconcert going ahead?"

I was determined. 
I knew the enemy was angry. He knew time to stop the message of healing, salvation and deliverance God was speaking through this album, was very short. I had a firm conviction that God would meet me if only I would trust Him and step up.

Side of stage that night I can’t describe how physically weak I felt. But in my Spirit, as I was being introduced, I heard the voice of the Lord say: “Take up your position and I will meet you there.” Looking over to the platform, I felt like a spotlight shone on the very spot on the stage where I was to stand.

And meet me there God did! I can’t describe how beautifully! While I had to sing sitting down at times when weakness and dizziness came, it didn’t look out of place — merely that I had chosen to sit for that song for a bit of "artistic" variation in performing. 
I remember feeling peace, joy, God’s gift of strength and enabling. God released my voice and I was able to sing. He got me through the entire event.


But here’s what I want to highlight: What was this “position” I was to take? That spot on the stage alone?

Yes, in part. I was to literally “step up” and take my place to sing. 
But that position was also a spiritual one — one of worshipping the Lord of Jubilee and trust Him with the all the rest required. 

This reminds me of the story of Jehoshaphat in 2 Chronicles 20. The Israelites were about to go into what looked like an unbelievably unwinnable battle. God told Jehoshaphat to take up his position and that God would route the enemy, bringing victory. What did Jehoshaphat do to take up his position? He worshipped and praised the God of salvation and deliverance. And God routed the enemy by causing them to turn on themselves.

This is such a powerful testimony. A powerful example  to us. For: “If God is for me, who can be against me?” (Romans 8:31)

I am a child of promise, not of pain. And He is able to bring me through what seems like the most unwindable of wars. 

This is a promise for you too.

Reflecting back on that time, as someone who has sung for decades (and who also works as a vocal coach) I know just how seemingly impossible it is to sing well in those conditions. Broken rib. Trouble breathing. Vomiting for hours. No sleep. Dehydrated. No fuel in the tank.

** Only God can do what He did that night!  **

Pain was there. But it was overshadowed by Joy. 
Weakness was there. But it was supported by Power. 
Breath was limited. But Ruach1 was not limited. 
Promise was there. The Promise-Keeper was there.

The Healer and Sustainer of Life was there.

 And He still is: 

“The LORD is my strength and my song; He has become my salvation.” Psalm 118:14

“The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in Him, and He helps me. My heart leaps for joy, and with my song I praise Him." Psalm 28:7

Like Paul with the 'thorn' in his side (1 Cor 12:9-10)2, my prayer is that regardless of the situation, God’s power is made perfect and evident...yes, even in my weakness - while I await my healing, whether God chooses to bring it to me in this life, or in the life to come.


And, oh! Remember how I was concerned about how long the project was delayed during production? It turns out, God turned that to good for His glory as well.

In the weeks after the launch, I was visiting and sharing in churches. One Sunday a lady approached me after the service. I had shared in the service about the album, touching on how long it took to get to completion.  

“I can tell you why it was delayed, Belinda,” she said.

She went on to tell me that in the Jewish calendar, we had just entered Jewish new year. And guess what year it was in that calendar? 
It was a year of Jubilee!3

God is good!

Three little words summarising our Amazing Father in Heaven.




PS To check out posts I've shared via my social media, checkout my pages on Facebook and Instagram under my handle @BelindaTigellMinistries.

ALSO as a celebration of the anniversary I have released videos of three songs which have been remixed. You'll find them on my YouTube channel. 


1. Ruach -  a name for the Holy Spirit which means “Breath, and Breath of Life”

2. 1 Cor 12: 9but He has said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you [My lovingkindness and My mercy are more than enough—always available—regardless of the situation]; for [My] power is being perfected [and is completed and shows itself most effectively] in [your] weakness.” Therefore, I will all the more gladly boast in my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ [may completely enfold me and] may dwell in me. 10 So I am well pleased with weaknesses, with insults, with distresses, with persecutions, and with difficulties, for the sake of Christ; for when I am weak [in human strength], then I am strong [truly able, truly powerful, truly drawing from God’s strength].

3. For more information about the Jewish year of Jubilee, check out my blog entitled: “Jubilee Blog 2 - The Year of Jubilee” or click visit here:


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