
To contact Belinda Tigell Ministers, please submit your enquiry via the CONTACT tab.

We endeavour to reply to your enquiry as quickly as possible.  


If you wish to order Belinda's books or CD, please state which product/s and how many of each you wish to order. You will then receive invoicing details. If you are local to Toowoomba, or within Australia, please nominate your location to help determine shipping options.

Alternatively, you can order via the online store. Click HERE to be redirected.


It is a privilege to serve in full-time ministry. Your support by giving either one-off donations or becoming a regular partner you can help off-set expenses incurred by the ministry. If you would like to make a financial contribution to ensure this ministry remains viable into the future, please contact us for bank details. Donations via credit/debit card and Paypal are also possible. Please contact us for details. 

Belinda Tigell Ministries
Toowoomba 4350

Phone: 0061 439 765 752

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