What People Are Saying...
March 04, 2020

From my Inbox:

"Belinda performed at this year's Westbrook Family Fun Day 26 October 2014.  She used the event [as a pre-]launch [of] her debut album Jubilee. The outdoor event drew an audience of over 2500 visitors. Belinda's spiritual songs were captivating, and moving. Her style, tone and depth of words resonated within the Westbrook Community. She takes great effort to understand the purpose and destiny of communities and families and her performance was a reflection of her spiritual journey and intent to impact the atmosphere. Words of hope, strength and destiny came forth during her performance with her words reaching the captivated audience. Her soulful, and spiritual performance added a very powerful and positive impact to the Westbrook Family Fun Day." -- Clayton Rogers, Event Organiser - Westbrook Family Fun Day

Recent Ministries:

"At our recent outreach event to people in our community, Belinda presented the Christian message in an easy conversational style which reflected both her depth of biblical knowledge and her personal journey through ministry and life. She engaged and challenged her audience with her thought-provoking message." 
Kathy Eddie (Outreach Pastor, Hills Church) 
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