Too Scared To Ask
Luke 9:43-45 “And they were all amazed at the greatness of God.While everyone was marvelling at all that Jesus did, He said to his disciples, ‘Listen carefully to what I am about to tell you: the Son of Man is going to be delivered into the hands of men.’ But they did not understand what this meant. It was hidden from them, so that they did not grasp it, and they were afraid to ask Him about it.”
The dear disciples — they’d witnessed and experienced so much with Jesus. Miracles. Healings. Feeding 5000 people. Preaching. The transfiguration. And then Jesus predicts His death — not once but twice in this particular chapter: “Hey guys, just letting you know what’s going to happen!” So, after all the disciples had experienced Jesus, after being embraced and empowered by Jesus, what was their response?
“…They did not understand what this meant. It was hidden from them, so that they did not grasp it, and they were afraid to ask Him about it.” Verse 45
Jesus prepared His disciples with the news of His death, yet they didn’t understand — after all, how could it be, with all He’d done, that Jesus would die? He was the miracle worker! He was the resurrector! The healer. Surely not! I’ve read this story in Luke countless times in my life, but recently, what stood out to me most was this: They were too afraid to ask Him about it. Yes - too scared to ask. Yet, as we reflect on other stories in the gospels, we know that the disciples weren’t above asking questions — some insightful, some not-so-much. Why the hesitancy this time?
Have you ever had a marvellous time with the Lord, or experienced amazing evidences of His power and involvement in your life, to then at some point been scared to ask Him about something? Despite the growth in your trust-and-love relationship with Him? Maybe you’ve sensed something in the spirit, or you’ve been struggling with an issue or relationship, and yet, despite all the times in the past where you’ve experienced His kindness, help and leading — those times you’ve heard His sweet voice encouraging you — you hesitate to talk about this particular situation. Or perhaps the Lord has been revealing something to you, something you are not sure you want to know or act upon, so you’ve hesitated to ask for further insight and information.
Why do we get so scared, so hesitant, to talk about these things? Here’s a few thoughts:
WE GET SCARED: * About the amount of time it will require to investigate it with Him. Let’s face it, not every question is answered simply or briefly. Some issues require in-depth discussion, honest vulnerability, and opportunities for reflection. At times we just don’t want to do that. When we pander to the presumption that making the time will just take too much, we assume something (about the person with whom we’re communicating, the situation involved, and the outcome) which is inaccurate. Ultimately, we hurt ourselves, and detangling the resultant mess requires much more time and effort than if we’d invested in them at the outset. I’m a proponent of the value of sitting and journalling these things out with the Lord Yes, it might take time, but it is incredibly worth it! (See How to Make Your Quiet Times LOUD Ch 7-9 for more on this topic)
* If we do ask, He might not answer. Such doubts often reflect our poor understanding of our value to God, thus we interpret silence as rejection when that is not at all the case. “I’m not important enough for God to speak to,” is a lie the enemy employs to thwart our closeness with God. You, dear child, are very important to your Father. He delights in talking with you! So, even when we perceive silence, there is always something going on. Trust and seek Him about what the silence means. Trust His answer is coming. Maybe He’s waiting for us to be in a place where we’re ready to receive what He wants to say — ready to hear and heed Him. Maybe we’ve asked the wrong question. If so, we have the opportunity to learn more by asking other questions (for more on this see His Word in My Life - Day 14). Or perhaps it’s an opportunity to rest and be quiet with and in Him — surrendering ourselves, our confusion, and this particular mystery to Him. All too often we shoot out questions but don’t wait, nor are quiet enough, to receive the answer. Psalm 27:14 encourages us to: "Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord.” * That He will answer but we won’t like the answer. Oh, we’ve all been there. Ignorance, however, is not bliss. Even if initially we don’t jump with ecstasy over His response, be assured it’s always the best, most life-giving one. Trusting that God has His best in mind for us and that He has the best solution for the situation is key. Any alternatives we may undertake will at best only bring temporary relief, at worst, make it worse — whereas God’s direction will result in long term resolution, joy and satisfaction. * It might actually require us to do something, give up something, or challenge us. Oh dear, far be it upon us to grow or to surrender! How resistant to change or growth we can be, despite knowing that engaging in these things will ultimately prove beneficial. * That He will answer and we still won’t understand. “Am I really that daft?! Why can’t I ‘get it’?” You know, there are many things we shall not understand this side of Heaven — and that’s ok. God loves to include us in His plans. So, we hold on to what we do understand: God has us, and God has this; while also trusting Him with what we don’t understand. It boils down to TRUST. Trusting the goodness of our Father, and that He’s got our situation completely in hand. Trusting He will unfold the next bit of information when we need it. Embrace Him. Be embraced by Him.
Have you recently felt the Holy Spirit’s niggle to talk through something with Him? Is there a matter you’re seeking guidance or clarification on? Have you been scared to ask Him? Don’t let fear keep you from seeking and nestling in with Him. His love is bigger than your fear. He’s got this. He’s got you!
God speaks to us through His Word and by His still small voice. He wants our ongoing communion and partnering with Him. At times He reveals things little by little and over time; sometimes He gives it to us in one solid dollop. No matter how it comes, remember His word will always line up with His Word.
And, don’t be too scared to ask!
Belinda Tigell is an Australian singer-songwriter, speaker, teacher, worship leader and author. Find her regular blogs on Follow her on her social media pages: