2022-10: Believing IN or Believing ON
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“…Someone will say, “You have faith; I have deeds.” Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you my faith by my deeds. You believe that there is one God. Good! Even the demons believe that — and shudder.” James 2:18-19


“…Without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to Him must believe that he exists and that He rewards those who earnestly seek Him.” Hebrews 11:6


Do you believe in God? Do you believe on God?
You might think I’m playing semantics, but there is a difference.


Many people believe in God - in His existence, or in the possibility of His existence.

Even satan and his crew believe in God. They know Who He is and how He acts. However, they don't believe on God. (see James 2:19)


It is possible to believe in something or someone, but not give, submit and stake our life and all it entails on it. 


It's possible believe in, but not trust; 

to believe in, but not hope; 

to believe in, but not follow or obey.


God doesn't want to just be believed IN,

He desires to be believed ON…

  • to the point that we give Him permission to enter and make an impact on the details of our life;
  • to the point that we come to Him seeking His wisdom, receiving it, applying it and operating in it WITH Him in every aspect and avenue of our lives.
    Not just those big issues of life, or the calamities and hardships, but even those of the things we think we’ve got a handle on. Yes, even the every-day and seemingly mundane. 


He’s interested in you. He is interested in your daily life. He wants to be involved in it with you.


He wants us to believe on Him and His promises and provisions regarding our health; our relationships; our work; our finances; our thinking; our identity - all the aspects of our life that are important to us. 


He wants us to believe on Him more than any other mode or instrument, person, effort, philosophy, or theory. As we do, we will find Him showing up in our lives like we would not have believed before. The fruit of our belief will enrich us, and it will also result in enriching others through us. 


Believing IN is good,

but believing ON is gold!
Believing on Him is where the power and promises are at.

Trusting in;

Relying on;

Committing to;

Hoping in.


What do you need to believe on God for today? This week? This season?


Today, ask God to help you move beyond just believing in,

to believing on Him in each aspect of your life.


He loves to show up for you.

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