2023-02: BEING A LOVE P.I. (Using the 5 love languages)
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Loving God With the Five Love Languages


February 14th - the date where red is everywhere, accompanying roses, boxes of chocolates and expressions of love. The man after whom this date commemorates went against the edict of the time, standing instead with God’s law, choosing to engage in marrying couples under the blessing of God.


He understood the importance of love, but beyond that, the importance of committed love. God is committed to love. He Himself is love. His way of loving is the ultimate and He expresses His love in a myriad — absolute myriad — of ways.


Have you heard of the Five Love Languages? These ‘languages’ were coined by Dr Gary Chapman, outlining how people both give and receive love. 

But have you ever considered that God may use these ways to express His love to us? Further, have you ever considered showing Him love through these different avenues?


That’s my challenge to you — especially this week which contains a day famous for love — Valentine’s Day.


Be on the look out for these (and others the Lord reveals) as you go throughout your days. Ask God to open your spiritual eyes and ears for evidences of His love, and take time to reflect your love back to Him.


Words of Affirmation

God’s love to us: God’s Word is full of His expressions of love towards us. Further, He will bring words of affirmation to us through the encouraging words of others or through the still small voice of the Holy Spirit speaking to our spirit. If we listen carefully, we will hear them. Receive those words of love from Him today, and thank Him for them.


Our love towards God: Praise and worship, whether in prayer or in song, when given with an authentic heart become words of love and affirmation of the goodness and greatness, and the lovingkindness of God in our life. Take some time to love on God with your words. Be specific about the things you appreciate about Him.

Spread good gossip. Tell others about God’s goodness and greatness.


Quality Time

God’s love to us: God is available to us any time, all the time. He promises His presence is with us. And every moment we spend with Him is quality. Absolute quality. He is a mere breathe away, only a prayer away. Ask God to give you eyes to see, and ears to hear His presence with you as you go throughout this day.


Our love towards God: One of the ways we show our love to God is to prioritise special and intentional time to spend with Him. Yes, we can spend time with Him throughout the day, but making special time together is also important. Make time for prayer, being in His presence and feasting on His Word. We also show our love prioritising time of worship and observing the Sabbath (whatever day of the week that means for us).



God’s love to us: God gave us the greatest and most invaluable gift ever — the gift of His Son as a sacrifice for our sins. From His Spirit we receive spiritual gifts. He also gives us a multitude of gifts each and every day, if only we are open to recognising them. The gift of a sunrise, the scent of rain, a call from a friend and so much more.


Our love towards God: The greatest gift we can give God is ourselves — our heart, our time, our attention, our priorities. We may also show our love when we sacrifice our wants for His, and when we give a financial tithe or offering.


Acts of Service

God’s love to us: Who can count the number of ways God shows His love to us by what He does?! Seriously!? Think about the what He has done for you in the past and what He’s doing now. So often God acts and shows up as “coincidences”. He answers our spoken and unspoken prayers. He gives us breath each day. The Holy Spirit intercedes for us and He delivers us in our times of trouble. He is such a “doing” God. 

Our love towards God: We show our love by serving God and serving others — being the hands and feet and heartbeat of God towards others, whether that be serving in a ministry capacity or a community outreach or service opportunity, extending a kindness and courtesy to a stranger when out shopping, or running an errand to help someone. When we do it as unto the Lord, we are loving Him with our actions.


Physical Touch

God’s love to us: That cooling breeze on a hot Summer’s day, or being wrapped in a soft, soft blanket, all cozy and tucked in on a cold Winter’s evening…That soothing touch on the hand, or hug from a friend — these and more are ways in which God loves on us.


Our love towards God: We can show our love for God by touching His heart with our obedience or sacrifice, by touching His heart with our unrestrained worship, and by reaching out to others to bless and encourage Him with a hand of blessing, a prayer of hope.


Be a Love P.I. Look for ways God is loving you. Look for ways to love Him back. As we do, we will see our hearts get fuller, our hope get heightened, our wonder ignited, our joy burgeoning.


Happy Valentine’s Day!

Belinda Tigell is an Australian singer-songwriter, speaker, teacher, worship leader and author. Find her regular blogs on belindatigellministries.com. 
Follow her on her social media pages:


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